About Me

Everyone has something to say. 

The Oxford English Dictionary estimates there are over 180,000 words and word derivatives currently in use in the English language. How can we use those words to support and promote you professionally and creatively?

Do you need content written or edited? Whether it's a blog or website, promotional material or social media, set yourself apart in the world with quality presentation.

I've been a writer since I was able to string together a noun and a verb, and I wrote my first completed novel at age 12. In my teen years, I spent many diligent hours submitting my third novel to publishers and agents all over the country. While I got wonderful feedback, my manuscript was never picked up. And then I moved on. I independently published my novel The Cape House in 2009 (contemporary women's fiction) and What I am Made of in 2014 (historical fiction). I'm currently neck-deep in my latest two-book series: Convergence and its sequel Resurgence, which are turning out to be my favorite works to-date.

Then there's this blog... well, it's how I connect with all of you. Aside from social media. You'll find my random musings entertained here.

To put it bluntly, I find freelance writing to be such wonderful fun. It has introduced me to new worlds and new people. Every project expands my knowledge and skills both creatively and professionally. And I am always looking for new opportunities to continue to grow. 

I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Minnesota, Morris with a double major in English, emphasis in writing, and Speech Communication, emphasis in media communication. The combination of my academic degree and my professional experience has given me knowledge and skills in a variety of writing styles, from narrative to technical, while also expanding the scope of my editing experience across a wide range of writing content. My experience allows me to express a strong and diverse voice, making it possible for me to represent a client's specific needs and character in my work.

I will work with you to understand your specific needs and the goals of your project, and together we'll make it a success.

Can my comprehensive and varied writing skills take you or your business to the next level? Contact me for a free consultation. 

For more information, visit www.NicoleAhles.com 

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This is a personal blog, intended to promote Nicole Ahles's writing, as well as to be inspirational for women on multiple levels throughout their lives. Stories shared are personal to those who share them. Nicole Ahles, the author of this blog, reminds you that the material published is meant to be used in the best manner possible.

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The Inspired Writer strives for excellence in provided content and works hard to remain subjective, respectful, and transparent in its material. However, the opinions of The Inspired Writer are just that, opinion, protected by the Constitution 1st Amendment, and are not intended to be offensive or insulting in any way. The Inspired Writer maintains the same expectations of any readers or followers who engage on the site or with other readers or followers. Rude, offensive, and harmful comments/content will be removed from the blog. We welcome diverse opinions and commentary, however, we expect it to be tactful and respectful.

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Last updated: 3/22/2020

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