Monday, December 17, 2018

Beauty Love: what to pamper yourself with

So it's too late to get any of these goodies before Christmas, but regardless of when you get them, it will FEEL like Christmas... and your birthday... and maybe even Mother's Day. So what are these products that I am talking about???

A while back (too long ago, if I'm being honest), my wonderful friend Christina asked me to do a product review for her. So I thought, absolutely! If I can a) try new products b) support a friend, and c) suggest great things for my amazing women followers, how could I go wrong?!

First product:
Rodan and Fields (R+F) Active Hydration Body Replenish
This product was wonderful! I got to use it just as it was beginning to get chilly outside, and in Utah, that means DRY skin! When my mom comes to visit us she just dies of the dry climate. She's a Minnesotan and can totally handle the humidity... but I'm in a desert region... which means come cold weather, we all grow scales on our bodies. Gross. Enter Active Hydration. My favorite part was rubbing it on my feet right out of the shower... well, first I use my ped egg foot scrubber, and then lather up my feet and put on a pair of socks to help them lock in and absorb the moisture. Thinking about it just now makes me happy because my feet have never looked (sans the nail polish- or lack of) or felt better short of just walking out of a salon from a pedicure. This product also lasts forever. A little goes a long way. So it's not something you'll run out of quickly. Unless your littles get into it.

I wasn't crazy about the scent. It is subtle, which helps, and doesn't linger at all. But initially, when I put it on I am not a fan. It's not awful. But I didn't care for it.

This product is spendy. Definitely does what it says it's going to, but you will have to weigh that pro out with this con. For non-PC (perks) members, this retails for $66. Plus tax and shipping. Becoming a perks member saves you some money but does have an initial charge to sign up.

Score: *****  (4/5 stars)

Second product:
R+F Complete Eye Makeup Remover
I feel like I have tried every eye makeup remover out there. Okay, that really is an exaggeration, but I have tried many, many, many different brands. They always fall short of what I expect them to do. I've tried the oils, the non-oils, the cloths, etc... They generally leave my face oily, which I hate going to sleep like, they dry out my face, they irritate my eyes and then my lids and beneath my eyes look like cherries, or they simply don't take off my mascara and eyeliner easily or well. When I started paying for my lashes it became very important to me that I find a remover that wouldn't damage or break my lashes. I'll say that the Essentials Complete Eye Makeup Remover did the best job compared with any other comparable product. And I am likely to continue using this. And I am happy to say it did NOT break my lashes. Whew... those babies are expensive. This product did not irritate my eyes or the area around my eyes, either.

Despite the fact it did the best job removing my eye makeup, it still took a fair amount of rubbing. And no, I don't use waterproof mascara. I will never use that. It's like putting glue on my lashes. In an ideal world, I would have a product I could just swipe and swipe and the makeup would be gone, but I'm thinking that's a pipe dream.

And like the Active Hydration, this product also carries a price tag. Not sure if it's a big enough price tag to dissuade me against using it, however. I got about two months out of my bottle. Without being a perks member, this product retails for $32. Plus tax and shipping.

Score: ***** (4/5 stars)

For more info (and she can give you a lot, as well as guide you along in your beauty quest), you can contact Christina at 503-812-2791 or email here.

Lash Boost user since March, 2018
Third product: 
R+F Lash Boost
I was not asked to review this product from Christina, but rather it is a product I use from another rep (and friend) Amanda. You can learn more about her in The Purposeful Woman. It seemed only appropriate that since I use this product that I throw in a plus for it, too!

Pros: This product has given me the best lashes I have ever had. I'm in love with them, and it's not likely that I will ever go back to not using it. I wavered, forever, between using the Lash Boost, or going with lash extensions. The Lash Boost won. And I haven't regretted it since. There was simply less upkeep since I didn't have to go in every 4 weeks to have them filled, it was ultimately cheaper, and extensions are incredibly hard on your lashes, while this is not. So I went this route. And I've been in love ever since. The key is to find a makeup remover that won't break them. It can also be used on your brows for thicker eyebrows. Be sure to wash your eye makeup off every night before applying this... you must have clean lashes.

Cons: Like the other R+F products, this one is pricey, too. But not so much when compared with extensions. If you want long lashes, there's a price to pay either way. Without perks, Lash Boost retails at $150. Plus tax and shipping. It lasts me roughly three months. Keep in mind that results are not immediate. It took about 6 weeks before I noticed any significant changes.

Score: ***** (5/5 stars)

For more info (and she can give you a lot, as well as guide you along in your beauty quest), you can contact Amanda here.

You can tell them Nicole sent you!!

**Disclaimer... These are not paid endorsements in any way... simply my review of products that I use.

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