Sunday, December 23, 2018

Reason for the Season

In my house, I am Captain Christmas! Although I am not allowed to go Christmas-crazy until after Thanksgiving (my husband's rule), I start sneaking it in as of November 1st. Even a few days before Halloween because of Hallmark Channel's Countdown to Christmas. He usually just rolls his eyes at me. But I love all things Christmas. Tim jokes with me every year, when I make him get up on my roof to hang lights so that they are READY to be lit on Thanksgiving night, that someday he will refuse to hang them. He knows I am terrified of heights and it's his way of being a Scrooge. But I give him the same answer every year... fine, don't get up there. But I WILL hire someone. And he sighs in defeat because he knows I am not kidding. So he hangs them. And I smile. He's good to me. Even if he pitches a fit when I sneak Christmas in on Nov. fourth, or the tenth, or the sixteenth.

The spirit of the holiday brings me joy. So much joy. I love the decorations. I love the trees. If I had enough room in my house I would have three (or more) trees, each decorated differently. And I love ornaments for my trees. I collect them from every vacation I take, I get a collector's from my mom every year, and I gift one to my children each year to reflect their personalities at this time of their lives. I am crazy in love with my Christmas village that has slowly been expanding over the years. I even love our Elf on the Shelf. I mean, not when I'm half asleep at midnight and suddenly realize I forgot to move her, but because of the laughter she brings to my kids. And I love the music. My Pandora stations are programmed to every device around my house... my phone, my TV, my computer, my tablet, and my echo. And my stations are perfectly created, slowly and specifically refined over the years with "Pandora, give this song a thumbs up," or "a thumbs down." I'm terribly tone-deaf and no one ever would want to hear me sing, but I sure do belt our those Christmas songs anyway. I feel like it's the one time of year you can get away with it. Or you should, anyway. The only exception is Baby, It's Cold Outside. Can't stand that song. Even if my best friend loves it.
At the Nutcracker Ballet
The only exception to all my Christmas love is baking and decorating cookies. I'm just not a kitchen girl. I will stay out of it as much as possible. But I love how my kids love it, so I do it anyway. It's about the moments and the memories. I suck it up for one afternoon.

Now, I don't typically get into my theological beliefs in my posts. My vision for Girl, Dream It is to be inclusive for everyone, not just women whose beliefs and faith align with mine. But with that said, I am not ashamed to share that I am a Christian woman who believes that Christ is my Savior, and it is His birth that I am celebrating on Dec. 25th. Turn away from this post if you'd like. But I am proud of my faith. I wouldn't be who I am without it.
With that all said, as we approach Christmas Eve tomorrow and Christmas the following day, I am reflecting on what my Savior has done for me. And I am overwhelmed with emotion on a level that is difficult to articulate. It is emotion that runs deep and is laced with love and awe. There is a song, How Many Kings by Downhere. It moves me. Every. Single. Time. And I think it captures the reason for the season.

Cause how many kings stepped down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
How many gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that has torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?

Only one did that for me.

You can hear the entire song here. I think it's just so beautiful.

Christmas has certainly evolved into a dual celebration: both Christian, and cultural (often secular), but for me, I am resolute in my belief of the reason. And that's okay if you share a different viewpoint. And I also know that Christians don't have (or shouldn't have ) a monopoly on December and that there are many other holidays that coincide with our holiday, like Hanukkah (December 2nd - 10th), Kwanzaa (December 26th - Jan 1st), St. Lucia Day (Dec. 13th), Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12th), or Yule (Dec. 21st - Jan. 1st). There are many more, but these are the ones I have at least a loose knowledge or understanding of. And many people and families celebrate a combination of some of these holidays. I certainly, and proudly, declare that I am not one of those people offended by the phrase "Happy Holidays" because happy should be the adjective of this time of year, despite what holiday you celebrate.

Not everyone is as blessed to have a holiday the way my family does: filled with love, and an abundance of both food and gifts. And it is for that that I try to give back to my community. The spirit of love that we have for others is just as important as what we have for our families. Coming together in unity, supporting our neighbors and communities in spite of our differences, those are the things matter and define us. So no matter what holiday you celebrate this season, I wish for good things for all, and love unending.

Merry Christmas.

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