Wednesday, December 18, 2019

That's a Wrap! (okay, not really...)

So, it's 3:00 in the morning. I'm lying in bed. Wide. Awake. And thinking relentlessly about my sequel to my latest novel. I'm excited to say that after 8 months of heavy copy editing. And I mean heavy. I have wrapped up my second draft of my novel! I swear it doesn't even look like the same first draft. It took me 60 days exactly to both write and research that book. Word count to-date: 149,635. Or 509 pages. Dang. I was seriously a girl on fire when I wrote this. Oh, my poor tendonitis! By the last chapter, I was literally writing with ace bandages on both wrists. Tim said I looked like a burn victim.

So, since I wrapped up my edits for my final chapter you'd think I'd be like, oh praise... now I get a break! Wrong. Like I said, I'm sitting here thinking about my next book when I should be sleeping. This is my plague as a writer. My mind literally comes alive at night with all my story ideas when it should be shutting down for some serious shut-eye. And for this reason, I have the worst sleep hygiene and as a result, the worst sleep patterns. I mean, a full Ambien doesn't take me down these days.

I digress. What's next for this novel? Well, a lot before it gets into the hands of my readers. Sorry gals, if you were looking to pick it up anytime soon. I've got my beta readers in line first. And then I will consider their critique and criticism for my third draft. And in the meantime, I'm going to get going on my queries (which I swear are double the work of writing the actual book) and get started on that sequel. The rolling stone gathers no moss... right?

Currently, my work is untitled. I had one that I had mostly decided on until I Goodreads-searched it and found A) over 20 other works under the same title, and B) most of those works were erotica. Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the erotica genre... if it's your slice of pie, happy reading! You're reading, and that's all that matters to me. BUT, it's not my genre. And I don't want my work lumped in with it. So the beautiful title Phoenix Rising has been nixed. Next to queries, I might hate titling my work the most. I mean, apparently, if I can't say it in less than 100,00 words, I can't say it at all. 

So I've got my work cut out for me. But as of right now, I can at least say... that's a wrap! On this round anyway, ha!

Don't remember my synopsis from ages ago? Here you go!

Tala Alexander is a woman raised in privilege, the granddaughter of a founder of the Republic of Columbia, a powerful and formidable country built on the remains of the former United States. Kane Ryan is a man from a meager upbringing who has suffered greatly at the hands of the Republic and now lives his life in hiding, with a skillset no man should have. During a brutal attack one night, Tala's and Kane’s lives unexpectantly converge. As they dig into the unprovoked attack, they uncover secrets they never expected to find… secrets that will change everything Tala’s known, everything she’s believed, and everyone she’s trusted. Tala must discern the truth from the lies, her real allies from her enemies. She must decide where her allegiances lie and just how far she’s willing to go to protect what matters most. 

But will the price be worth the cost? In finding Tala, Kane will learn to move beyond his dark past. In finding Kane, Tala will uncover the strength to step out of her family’s legacy and discover her true self. Tala’s strength of character will be tested as she fights for her people, for humanity, for love. And she will learn that not everyone can be saved.

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you and this book! Can’t wait to read and discuss. You are doing great things, you are making your dreams come true!
