Friday, June 1, 2018

Building a Better House

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I have been called to make a change. I am awakening from a monotonous routine in my life. I feel that I am being moved by the Holy Spirit, moved to be a better version of myself.

Proverbs 14:1 says "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." 

My ultimate goal? Build a better house. And by better, I don't mean bigger or grander. No. I mean, I want to build something stronger. A place that will not waiver in the wind or crumble with a shaking of the earth. In my previous posts I talk about how we are exactly where we are because of the choices we've made along the way. Let me be clear - I do not, in any way, think the house I have built is unsteady, weak, or unworthy. On the contrary, my husband and I have labored many years to build what we have. We have put ourselves through college and both have degrees. My husband valiantly served in our military. We have worked hard, laboring both our hands and our heads. We have two beautiful children that we are raising. We have worked for this amazing life that we live. What I'm saying I want to do is strengthen the foundation that we have already established. I want to reinforce what's already there. Changing my direction presents me with this opportunity. Following my dreams while simultaneously embracing the woman my Creator has made me to be is how I am going to build a better house.

I love being a working mom. I never thought I would say that. As soon as Co was born I became a stay-at-home mom. And I both loved and hated the whole thing. (Don't judge me too harshly for saying that!) It mattered to me that I was home with my child - that one of his parents was there. And it certainly wasn't possible for both of us to be. But it had its moments and I wondered if it was really for me. Fast-forward three years when my daughter was born, and now I was a stay-at-home mom with two kids! (Those of you with more, well, there are only two words I can summon and hopefully they don't offend you: Crazy. AMAZING!) Looking back, being able to be there for everything was awesome. I wouldn't go back and change it at all. I went back to work when Sey was three. And I cried every day for two weeks. And not just a tear here or there. Every day for those first couple weeks I would pull into the parking lot at my office and would have to compose myself and tell myself to get it together! I would ugly cry on my drive down the freeway. It was only three exits, but traffic at that time completely made it possible for me to have full-on cry sessions. Let me tell you, good makeup can work wonders. So can waterproof mascara. Just saying. I was at that job for less than a year before an opportunity arose for me to take a position from home. It was an answered prayer. The job I have now has served me well. And it has allowed me to serve my family well. I was completely allowed to build a better house. But the time has come for me to take a step in a different direction. I truly believe God put forth that opportunity for me almost three years ago. But I also believe that He is calling me to step up and fulfill the destiny He designed for me. So now, I wonder, how much better can I build my house when I improve upon myself? Growing into a better version of me allows me to be a better mom. A better wife. A better friend. A better follower of Christ. What is it that people say about surrounding yourself with happy people? If I'm a better, happier version of myself, that can only mean good things for those who are closest to me. Specifically, my family. I am always striving to raise up my children, to empower them, and to set a good example. Following my own destiny is the best way I know how to succeed in doing all of those things for them. 

The women that surround me in my life are incredible. And no two of them are alike. Some stay at home with their kids, while some work (and some even work FROM home while staying with their kids - like me). Some actually have no children while others could field a baseball team. Some are married and some are going it alone. Some have small businesses while some have entire companies, and others simply work for other companies. There's no right or wrong way to do things. And when I say the women in my life are incredible, I really, legitimately believe that. They're incredible, not because they're all saints, but because they are all people who enrich the lives of the people around them... specifically, they enrich my life. My point here is not that I have the greatest friends, it's that the instructions on how to build up that house are not the same for everyone. Everyone's destiny is different. Which is what makes us so special - because God created each of us for our own greatness. There are no duplicates. So I'm saying, surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you. People who lift you up, encourage, and support you. Jim Rohn, entrepreneur and motivational speaker, says, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Who are your five people? Your dreams matter. And they will also matter to the people who truly matter in life. Go out into the world, embracing your dreams and your destiny, and be the "wise woman [who] builds her house..."

A huge shout-out to my best friend, Kristin, who is graduating tomorrow with her Master's degree! She's undoubtedly one of my five people. She decided two years ago to take the first steps in pursuing her dreams when she decided to go to graduate school. You are truly an inspiration in my life. I am so incredibly proud of you! Congratulations!! XO 

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