Saturday, June 2, 2018

What Makes You Tick?

I'm always curious about other people, especially women and moms- what makes them tick? What motivates and inspires them? What are their passions and dreams? What are the things that matter most to them? What are the little things that they love? What do they fight for? What is their very first thought in the morning? How would they describe themselves? This last one always makes me ponder... because I think women constantly get themselves wrong. If they were to describe themselves, how would it match up against how others describe themselves?

We live in a Pinterest world, and I know that when it comes to myself, I often feel like I'm trying to measure up. But why? Surely every woman, every mom has her hangups. We all have places where we can improve but we also all have areas where we shine. Understanding both of those are equally as important. It's important to acknowledge what we do well, and pat ourselves on the shoulder from time to time. But it's just as important to know where we can improve ourselves, not so we can berate ourselves for those things, but because they are opportunities for us to grow.

I ask all these questions about other women, but do I reflect on them for myself? To praise myself for my strengths and to see where I can improve in my life, maybe I should. After all, the point is to improve upon who I am.

So here goes.

I'm not going in order.

I am told that the first thing we think in the morning sets the tone for the whole day. And likewise, our first thoughts come Monday morning can set the tone for the entire week. So what is my first thought? Honestly, it's crap... I have to get up. Or, equally as often, noooo... is it morning already?! This is absolutely an area I can improve upon! I only hope that now that I don't have to get kids ready for school in the mornings that I'll still be able to pry open my eyes by 7 o'clock each day to work. I mean, I don't have to start at that time- I really do get to set my own schedule- but I want to be done by noon or 1 o'clock each day. It just makes managing kids on summer vacation, and a whole plethora of neighbor kids who come and go in constant flow, so much easier. I am absolutely not a morning person. My mind comes alive at 8 o'clock at night. It's super annoying to my husband, who is a morning person, because I tend to keep him up much later than he would prefer.

What are my passions and dreams? Well, the most obvious, and the one I have been most vocal about in all of my posts, is writing. I love it. And when I start something I absolutely hate when other things interfere... kids, jobs, the husband, meals, sleep... everything. I'm also passionate about my kids. They couldn't be more opposite of each other and that's where my challenge often lies. What works for one doesn't typically work for the other. But I try to be consistent with our rules and constant with the boundaries we set. I try to set high expectations, but not unrealistic ones, because I want them to push themselves to be the best versions of who they are. And I really strive to help their imaginations thrive. Even if it means letting my daughter wear the most outlandish outfits that don't remotely match, and cover her hair with hair chalk to the point where she looks like Rainbow Dash. My son has a seriously difficult time matching clothes, as well. But the point is to let them make their own choices. It's what empowers them. Sure, it's outfits today, but it leads to much greater things down the road. I'm passionate about my marriage. I believe I married the best man in the world- not to diminish the your amazing husbands... we all have our perfect matches, right? Tim and I have been together for 18 years! We were young- high school sweethearts. And what amazes me is that over all of these years, we have been able to make it through together, after each of us has grown, matured, moved away and come back to each other, and gone on to make some of the biggest decisions of our lives. We are, in no way, the same people we were when we fell in love. But along the way we have pushed each other and encouraged each other, and we still manage not only to make it work but to actually be more in love today than we were all those years ago. I am also passionate about my family and friends. None of them are perfect. In fact, we all have so many flaws. But the beautiful thing is that we love and support each other in spite of these flaws. I am fiercely loyal to those I love. I recognize this as one of my strengths. I am passionate about Christ. Although my faith can waiver, I always know He is there. And He is my savior.

I'm getting a little long-winded here, so I'll try to wrap this up. Let me tell you, straight-up, brevity is NOT my strong suit. It's why I write novels, that all exceed 100,000 words.

The things that matter to me were pretty much summed up in my passions. A few additions... my job (even if I can be bored), I'm good at it. And I take pride in the work I do. My husband's job- he is the primary provider for our family. Education matters to me- and the people in my son's life who help him with alternative ways of learning. Happiness matters to me. And I believe we all have happiness in our lives when we have the right perspective. God matters to me. Above all of those things. He has given me every blessing I have.

What inspires and motivates me? Good people. Honest people. People who serve. People who follow their dreams, as crazy as they may be, regardless of what people say. People that lift others up. People who are different from me- they challenge my perspectives and ideas. And people that are over-comers. I know too many people who've had some of the most devastating things happen to them and they inspire me the most. They show me that I can get through anything. They find their own ways to summon strength to keep going and I hold them in the absolute highest regard.

The little things I love? My kids's smiles. My husband's kisses. Sunshine. Coffee. Diet Coke. Netflix. Books. Music. Chic flicks. Good food. (Maybe a few areas here I can improve upon??)

I fight for happiness. I fight for dreams. I fight for the people I love.

And the most difficult one... how would I describe myself? Oh boy. I'm going to come back to this one in another post. Mostly because I need some serious time to reflect on myself if I want to be honest. And because I have rambled on a lot.

Maybe you learned a thing or two about me. Or maybe you tuned out a long time ago. No problem. Either way... this was a fun exercise and a good way to get to know myself. When you've got some time to spare- or are completely looking for a way to procrastinate something, ask yourselves these questions. You're welcome to post some of these things in the comments.

Have a happy Saturday!

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