Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Good Food Should Always Be Shared!

Let's talk food... Mmmmm... F.O.O.D. I'm already hungry. The eggs I had for dinner are suddenly going to be so much less satisfying after this post.

But seriously, let's talk food. I love food. And that's a huge problem because my best friend is an AMAZING baker... who bakes when she's bored, when she's happy, when she's procrastinating, when she should be working, (guys, she's even been known to come home in the middle of church to check on something that is, was, or needs to be baked)... so pretty much she bakes all the time. And she shares. I blame her for every pound I've gained since high school! Okay, I'm really thankful. I don't blame her for every pound... but at least 12 of them. But my soul thanks her when she makes cookies. My hips... well, they'll have to get over it.

A side note... I'll be your true and loyal friend for life if you bring me donuts from Bowman's.

Here are a few of my favorite recipes. I suggest trying them out. And no... I didn't make any of these. I'll be sure to include the link where they came from and we'll give the true masters credit where it is due.

First up... Balsamic Bruschetta Chicken. It's gluten-free. And bonus... if you're on WW it's only 3 freestyle points. Heck yeah. And it tastes delish. Even my kids love this one.

Cooking with Points delivers this on-point dinner.

Know what's funny? I'm not a breakfast person. Like, at all. I usually get an upset stomach if I eat too early. Coffee... well, that's another thing. But even though I'm not a daily breakfast eater (no one attack me for this admission), I LOVE breakfast foods. Pretty much all breakfast foods. But pancakes are my number 1. They even beat out donuts. Here's one of my fave pancake recipes: Cranberry Orange Pancakes. Please note these are not gluten-free, and definitely more than 3 freestyle points. Don't ask me how many... sometimes ignorance is bliss. And these are definitely bliss.

Taste of Home brings this home with the W!

I totally have a soft spot for Greek food. There's this place downtown SLC that I totally recommend if you're ever in town... Aristo's. It's awesome-sauce (tzatziki-sauce, that is). Lame joke, I know. I've been to Greece twice and I could have just eaten myself into oblivion. So here's something to fill that void in my life: Greek 7 Layer Dip.

Bake your Day... you made my day with this one!

Okay ladies... eat up and enjoy your week!!

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