Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Celebration of Fatherhood

Today is a special day as we get to celebrate fathers around the world. And I certainly couldn't let the day go by without recognizing both the father of my children (my husband), and my own father.

Tim is an amazing dad and my kids are absolutely and truly blessed to have him. I pray that as they grow older, and step into the role of adulthood, that they will be able to look back from the very beginning to where they are in that moment and feel an overwhelming appreciation for all he has done for them. We have never spent a day without a roof over our heads, plentiful food, or clothes on our bodies. He celebrates their joys, cultivates their skills, encourages their imaginations, and divides their sadness during difficult times. He coaches their sports teams, he practices with them in the yard. He goes to piano and dance recitals, and beams with pride as he watches them figure out the things they have passion for. He encourages their hopes and believes in their dreams. He fights for them. He provides unconditional love and support, and lifts them up in the name of our Savior. He is a true guiding light. He is their champion.

A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, 
but a guiding light whose love shows us the way. ~ unknown

Even though we are separated by nearly 1,300 miles, my father is still always with me. He raised me to be scrappy, and tough, and committed. He taught me valuable life skills such as driving or changing the oil in a car. He even taught me how to replace a bumper on my car! When I was young he provided me with an old carburetor to tinker with. He cheered me on at my ball games and guard competitions. He rescued me during snowstorms when I was too terrified to drive any farther, and he saved me from the side of the highway in the dead of night when I ran out of gas in the middle of a Minnesota winter. And he gladly played papa-bear when I brought a boy around. He actually made Tim fill out an application to 'date my daughter'. Although there were tough times for my family, I always had everything that I ever needed and he provided well for us. 
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step (or rolling stride) - Lao Tzu

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