Sunday, June 10, 2018

Good Morning, Sunshine - It's Sunday!

Well, hello there! It's a lazy Sunday morning for this girl... slept in, shamefully made a run to Rancheritos, and am now sipping coffee and listening to my next book. Audible is great, but I learned the hard way to pick non-self-help books. I'm a highlighter, an under-liner, a dog-ear reader... I can't do that with those BAM moments in audio books. So I'm going with a little lighter read today.

Same with this post. A little lighter.

NOT having to share my popcorn
My husband is out of town and my kids had an overnight with their aunt. I had complete solitude- freedom to do whatever I wanted. Hence the lazy morning. As the week comes to a close, I try to reflect on all the blessings this past week brought. Recognizing the little things makes the big picture so much greater.

You may have noticed a few changes to the blog- like the title and the domain- Girl, Dream It. I decided that since I was redirecting my goal for this site that it was only appropriate to re-title it. And in an effort to make sure these aren't always my ramblings, each month I am going to introduce and feature an Amazing Woman. From all walks of life, each on their own, amazing journey, to break down the cultural idea that we all have to be alike- the Pinterest mom (so-to-speak). So stay tuned for my pick for this month.

As summer is upon us, I ask, what are your plans? Taking any vacations? Starting or completing any projects? Running any races (I most certainly won't be doing this!). Moms... what do you do with your kids? What do you read (I'm really hoping you read, but if not- no judgement here). What are your go-to BBQ dishes?

How will you spend your summer?

For me... great books are a must!
Sometime today, Amazon will be delivering my next coveted read- 100 Days to Brave by Annie Downs. I'm freaking stoked to get my hands on this. Thank goodness for Amazon Prime and 2 day shipping!!

But... until that book gets here, my current read was a recommendation from the Supreme Goddess herself... Too Good to be True by Kristan Higgins

Okay, so the cover makes it look a little like smut. But I know if Rachel could give it the raving review that she did that it has to be good. Not to mention it earned itself 4/5 stars on Goodreads out of over 17,000 ratings. It's certainly light and fluffy... with a love story (which I've already established I'm a sucker for- have you read my novels? Love story. Although that isn't the dominant theme for either of them). I like happy books that make my heart melt from time-to-time, but my genres of choice... well, I don't really have one. My favorite books are all over the map! See the list on the home page.
Here's a link to all of Rachel's summer reading suggestion.

Moving on... I know not everyone likes light and fluffy and lovey-dovey. I promise that's not all I read! Here are some YA recommendations for the summer, which are always a good bet. And I'd say there is always minimal violence but then I'd be completely proven wrong with series like The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner or Divergent. There are, however, never any racy sex scenes. So let's be thankful for that.

Here are some recommendations on a more diverse reading level: some dark, some comedic, some non-fiction, some thrilling and adventurous (the list goes on, but you get the idea). Take your pick. And then let me know your thoughts!

This summer I plan to do a little traveling. Our family took a huge trip to Florida in April, so the rest of our summer plans are a little tame. We are skipping our annual two weeks in Minnesota- you know, time with our families and EVERY day on a lake. My heart aches over the loss of this one. I took a few days this spring to head to Fargo, ND to spend time with my sissy and her new baby. Cutest dude ever. And my husband is currently there taking on official Godfather dudy. We are making a jaunt down to Los Angeles and Temecula, CA (love me some wine country), and then a few days in Moab, UT to hike (in sweltering heat- so we'll bring lots of H20)... but despite the scaling desert temps in the summer, that place never disappoints. And in September, the hubs and I are hoping to escape to San Diego for a long weekend. Hmm... maybe that is a little more travel than I thought. But I am super excited for all of it.

My kids having fun with
auntie Ashy
Other than all that, my plans are pretty low-key. Work in the mornings, running kids up and down the valley (okay, we rarely will leave the county, but it seriously feels like driving the planet 10 times over), and enjoying life in the sun with friends and family. Have I mentioned we got a huge pool this summer? I've had to play babysitter to all the neighbor kids a little too often (it's not like I can run around cleaning my house while I have a pool full of kids- they need supervision for that activity), so needless to say, we are implementing rules. I can't sit in my dining room beside my patio door (it's too hot to be in the sun!) for 5 hours on a regular basis (and yes... 5 hours is NOT an exaggeration).

Next time... let's talk about our favorite summer foods. Do you have any suggestions we should mention? And remember... coming soon will be our featured Amazing Woman, and really, you won't want to miss it. Let's celebrate what everyone brings to the table.

Enjoy your Sunday!

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