Thursday, February 28, 2019

First Draft: Completed!

Well, I am excited to announce that my first draft of my manuscript has been finished. Yes, that means my whole story is on paper. In exactly 60 days, I researched, designed, and wrote 130,645 words, 448 pages, and 22 chapters.

This story planted itself in my mind and in my heart nearly three years ago. But I found myself in a hole only three chapters in and I didn't know how to write myself out of it. Eventually, I threw in the towel and it got pushed to the back of my mind, its file metaphorically collecting dust in a folder on my computer. I opened that file three other times since then, worked from the beginning, changing and editing, yet I still found myself in that hole. That hole was like a black abyss.

Then, this past New Years Eve weekend, it came to me- my vision was clear. I had no idea this story was even on my mind anymore. I thought I had given up on it for the last time. But suddenly I knew how to get out of the hole. I sat down at my computer and completely reconstructed everything, starting from scratch, using the previous pieces as a framework. I worked for days just building the setting, a world of my own imagination. I made maps, and flow charts, and character profiles - creating details as minuscule as each character's favorite movie, or most embarrassing memory, not because those details were necessarily going to be in the story, but because those details shaped my characters into who they were. When I understood the foundation of each of them, they were all able to take the reigns in my story, their personalities and behaviors coming out so naturally and onto the page. Because I mapped out every detail, I was able to write past that hole. And as soon as I got going, I couldn't stop. I just bled onto the page.

I've never written anything like this story, and yet it came out so naturally. There's drama, action, a little sci-fi and dystopia, conspiracies, friendship, betrayal, love - both familial and romantic, and my schtick in all my writing, a strong heroine. It's written from two points of view, both female and male. And there are so many characters, but not so many the story gets lost in all of them (at least, I hope). If anyone would've told me that I had something like this in me, with all those genres included, I would've told them to shut the front door. No way. And yet, here it is. And I love it. And that's the only thing that truly matters.

What's next? A ton of copy editing. Then I'll recruit some beta readers - readers who are good at literary analysis and critique and are willing to be brutally honest with me (if that sounds like you, drop me a line), then more editing, after which I will reach out to my editor connections, and send out some queries. And we'll see what happens after that. But I do promise that it will make it to print.

Enough rambling... the part you really read this whole post for... the synopsis. There is no title yet, and this synopsis is also a first draft. But I hope it piques some interest in you.

The Republic of Columbia is a powerful nation that was created after the Great War on the ideals of protection, safety, and freedom. But decades after its borders were drawn, are those still the principles that make up the foundation of the country? And how far will it go to protect its power?

The Republic is all she’s ever known. She has lived a life of comfort and has both a duty to protect her country and a responsibility to maintain the honor of her family name.

He is a man with a dark past, betrayed by both his family and his country. He lives in the shadows, capable of things no human should be able to do.

During a brutal attack, Tala and Kane’s lives unexpectedly converge. As they dig into the motivation of the unprovoked attack, they uncover secrets they never expected to find… secrets that will challenge everything she’s known, everything she’s believed, and everyone she’s trusted. With her brother standing in the core of it all, Tala must discern the truth from the lies, her real allies from her enemies. She must decide where her allegiances lie and just how far she will go to protect those who matter most. But will the price be worth the cost?

In finding Kane, Tala will discover herself. The strength of her character will be tested as she fights for her people, for humanity, for love, and she will learn that not everyone can be saved.  

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