Thursday, February 14, 2019

14 Days of More Self-Love

If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.
-Charles Bukowski-

Happy Valentine's Day! What better day to post on love... self-love! This fabulous blogger I follow has been promoting more self-love... why? Yes, I know, we've had this conversation. But it has been a while.

Right now, we're well into the new year, and I'd love to know how many of you are still maintaining that resolution you made. If you've fallen off the wagon, why do you think that is? It could be that you're goals were a little lofty and there wasn't a serious plan in place for sustainability. This has happened to me. Many times. Or it could be because you just aren't putting yourself first. Does this ring a bell with anyone?

Ladies, I cannot emphasize this enough, self-love must be the foundation of all that you do. Life is the flower that blooms out of love. You get the kids to school every day, help with homework every night, volunteer every other Friday and Valentine's parties. You carpool to dance and karate, you plan and cook dinner. And probably do the grocery shopping for those meals, too. You do the laundry, do the dishes, vacuum, and dust. You get the dog to the groomers. You pay the bills. You run kids to the doctor. You... you... you... See the common denominator here? YOU!

If you are the central component to all of that, wouldn't it make sense that when we practice self-love, when we put ourselves in the best place we can be, that everything around us thrives?

Girl, I get it... you are tired. Looking at that list above, it's no wonder. But if there is one thing we can't skip, it's prioritizing ourselves. Appreciate your beauty (yes, even on the days you wear your hair in a top-knot, have no make-up on, and don't even leave your yoga pants- even if you didn't actually do the yoga), be kind and gentle to yourself. Compliment yourself. Be comfortable in who you are, embrace yourself... quirks, and flaws, too. When we accept who we are, we put ourselves in a place for growth. But we'll never accept ourselves if we can't love ourselves.

For the next two weeks... the rest of February... join me in practicing some self-love. Because if you're anything like me, you need the practice. And thanks to MissCaffeinated, we have a plan to do just that... practice.

Day One: Take 15 minutes out of your hectic day and write. Write something. Anything. Doesn't matter what. Just sit down with your pen, at your computer, or even in the memo app on your phone, and write. 

Day Two: Clean a room in your house or apartment. If you've got some time to kill, clean more than one. Put things where they belong. Then open the blinds and let the sunshine in.
Day Three: Shower or take a bath. Fizzy bath bomb or not. Shave your legs (yes, I know it's winter), put on a beauty mask, pluck your eyebrows.

Day Four: Read for 30 minutes. Pick up that book you've been meaning to read. Don't just look at the cover. And perfectly enough, this will allow you to check off another box on the reading challenge! A good book will take you somewhere else, and that's a great way to shake off the day and decompress.

Day Five: Do some yoga. If you're going to sport the pants around, may as well use them for their purpose. And even if you can't do the salamba sirsasana (supported headstand), do the tree instead. And if you tip over, laugh at yourself.

Day Six: Take your time to get ready. Put on your favorite clothes, do your make-up (even your sultry date night make-up). Put on a great pair of shoes, maybe some perfume. And be awesome.

Day Seven: Light some candles and meditate for 10 minutes. Even if it's just your Scentsy that you turn on, do it. Calm your mind for just 10 minutes. Don't even think about the purple lamp (if you get that reference, we should be BFFs).

Day Eight: Eat something healthy for breakfast and then let yourself feel good about it for the day. Yes, yes, one meal won't make you skinny. But let yourself just be proud of the good choice you made.

Day Nine: Write down the single, biggest challenge you've overcome. Don't be shy... own what you conquered!

Day Ten: Buy yourself a nice journal and write either a morning affirmation or a reflection on your day at bedtime. If you're anything like me, you literally have seven journals in use for different things.

Day Eleven: Make an 'I'm proud of myself' jar. And stick a Post-It in every time you just kill it. Don't be shy about this either... own your inner badass. And be dang proud of her.

Day Twelve: Put away your phone for 1 hour... don't take any calls, glance at any texts, and definitely don't get on social media. Find something completely unrelated to technology to do. It'll be like the olden days!

Almost there... two more days!!

Day Thirteen: Declutter your social media. Unfollow anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself. And don't feel bad about that!

Day Fourteen: (YOU MADE IT!) Write down 5 more things that you can do that will help promote your own self-love. How can you make it a daily practice in your life?

These are just some fun suggestions... do with them what you want. And have fun doing them. Fun and Love go hand-in-hand. Just remember... give yourself a little grace. And make sure to laugh.

Oh, and kiss your valentine.

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