Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Go Out There... Be Brave

When I walked away from my job last fall, I was terrified. I was miserable, yes, but I hung onto it because I was comfortable there. I had a steady income stream. And I knew what to expect. There were no questions. But in that miserable comfortable space that job created for me, I had no reason to grow. The bar for what was expected of me wasn't being raised. I'd met the bar. I'd established the bar. And I was going nowhere. I was completely stagnant.

I was afraid to walk away and step into my new role as a writer full-time. There were so many questions. Nothing was certain, except that I would be a million times happier. I had a million doubts in my head. A million reasons not to do it. But I had to step out from behind that rock, come into the light, silence the negative self-talk, and be brave.

I was so afraid to let go... but I haven't looked back. Not once. I still get scared every time I have to put myself out there. Those voices of doubt are loud, and they creep back in so easily, but I've learned that the universe has put things in my way that I am certain never would have come until I fully committed to this path.

So, I'm telling you... whether you're thinking about starting a side-gig, going back to work, asking for a promotion, or venturing out on your own... be brave. We will never have the chance to succeed unless we simultaneously have the chance to fail. Don't be afraid to fail. Just get back up. Learn the lesson and move on, move forward. Remember why you started, and don't confuse your path with your destination. Listen to what's in your heart... even if you have to go it scared. Go. Take the leap. Be brave.

Upcoming posts to look forward to:
14 Days for More Self-Love
How to Start a Blog

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