Friday, January 3, 2020

Your Words Matter

Have you ever been reading along somewhere, anywhere... a book, a magazine, a blog, a website (it doesn't matter where), and you come to a word or sentence and you immediately get hung up? This is more common than you can even imagine.

People can't always identify why something doesn't read right, but they can still pick it up. Maybe it's a word choice, maybe it's punctuation, or maybe it's grammar. Regardless, it's something that is easy to fix and prevent and can make all the difference in your professional presence.

Let's be honest, not everyone can write. And that is completely okay. You don't have to be a writer.

Your time should be spent being an expert in your field. 

Often, written content is the first thing people see when it comes to a business. Whether it's through social media, a website, a newsletter, or even printed material, your business is in some way represented through the written word. And it's crucial that your written content is flawless. It's your first interaction with your consumer. We want it to stand out. We want it to be the best reflection of what you have to offer.

And every word matters. We want to grab attention, and then hold it. We want our message to be clear and concise. We want to connect with our consumers, using language that communicates that we're the professionals but doesn't talk over their heads. That means we can't take twelve words to say something when nine will do.

How do we accomplish this? We hire a professional.

Professional writers use their writing skills to increase traffic to the business website or blog. Professional writers are often in charge of keyword research and general SEO practices where they try to identify the types of information consumers are looking for and then write content to answer those needs. Professional writers may track these keywords and use analytics to determine how well certain types of content perform. - thewriterfinder

And this is exactly what I provide. I take pride in using the written word, carefully crafted to each client's professional needs, to help them look professional with their written content while maintaining each individual voice. My job is to show that you're the expert in your field.

Professional writers:
         - Are persuasive
         - They inform
         - They take control of written communication
         - They provide professional content

Writing is hard work. But you don't have to do it. If you want to create excellent content that drives your business, a professional writer might be just what you need to take you to the next level.

January Promo!

For the month of January, I am offering 15% off for all new clients, no matter the type of content you need.

And of course, all consultations are free. For more information or to request a no-obligation consultation, visit my website by clicking here.

Everyone has something to say. 

And I'd love to be the person to help you say it.

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